announced winners of 2015

Professional Jury. INTERIA AWARDS All-Russian Open Competition 2014

  • Statute of Professional Jury of INTERIA AWARDS All-Russian Open Competition

    1. Basic Provisions
    1.1. The professional jury of INTERIA AWARDS
    All-Russian Open Competition (hereafter
    referred to as Professional Jury) is
    a public organization, annually established
    for selecting the Competition awardees.
    1.2. Professional Jury is selected from among the architects, designers, and and professionals in the sphere of private and public interiors design.
    1.3. The Professional Jury is headed by the Professional Council. The membership
  • of the Professional Council is defined by the Organizing Committee, and three places are secured for the Competition Founder’s representatives.

    2. Professional Jury Constitution
    2.1. The number of members and the panel of the Professional Jury are defined by the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee includes architects, designers and professionals in the sphere of private and public interiors design along with the three Organizer’s representatives.

    3. Professional Jury Routine
    3.1. To make the decision the Organizing Committee
  • according to the Competition schedule provides the Professional Jury with the remote access to the nominees’ projects in the electronic form at
    3.2. Every member of the Professional Jury evaluates the projects during the closed voting and has
    one-man-vote. The members of the Professional
    Jury, in case of submitting their projects for the
    INTERIA AWARDS, cannot vote for their projects.
    The winner in each nomination should gather
    the biggest amount of votes.
    3.3. The calculations of the voting result are performed by the Count Group of the Organizing Committee.
    3.4. Should any disputes about the voting arise,
  • the decision is taken by the Organizing
    Committee of the Competition.
The Union of Designers of Russia, the Council of Experts of Interior Design and Architectural Environment with the support of present INTERIA AWARDS Open All-Russian Competition of private and public space interior design
  • Constitutor:
  • Organizer:
  • With support of:
  • General
    internet partner:
  • Oficial partner:
  • Oficial partner:
  • Oficial partner:
  • Oficial partner:
We aim for mutually beneficial cooperation!




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